I'm a student with a passion for cybersecurity, computer science, and videography. I always want to learn more and improve my skills.
Hi, I’m Peter Marangoni, and I’m passionate about technology and cybersecurity. My journey started when I built my first PC in 8th grade. This endeavour opened up a world of curiosity and learning that continues to this day. Since then, I’ve been the go-to tech-savvy person in my family, diving deep into coding, video editing, and, cybersecurity. While school has taught me many things, it’s outside the classroom where I’ve truly pursued my interests, from video editing to network security. I’m motivated by the idea of pushing myself beyond my comfort zone and improving my skills every day. Whether it’s leading a basketball or chess team, volunteering for meaningful causes, or teaching myself new tech skills, I’m driven by a desire to always learn more and improve.
I have been learning the programming language C++. I have done so by utilizing free online resouces and reading books.
For a school project, I developed a personal website portfolio using the Django framework. I implemented a secure back-end to protect against known website attacks and worked on the front-end design to create an appealing website.
I took a free Codecademy course and utilized online resources to gain an introduction to network hacking using the vulnerability tool Nmap.